One Bet Per Day

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One of the many relevant aspects of betting: how often to bet, how many bets can or do you need per day? Indeed, some players make almost hundreds of bets per day, while others limit themselves to a few, or even one. What would be the best approach? It is difficult to give a definite answer. No one has collected such statistics. Now, we will talk about where the boundaries of the rational and how many bets need to be made.

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As for the frequency, the number of bets placed in the bookmaker regarding sports events, there can be two extremes: hundreds of bets per day, or not a single one at all. Between them, the points are many intermediate options: dozens of visits per day, a few moves (up to a dozen). It’s worth considering these options, taking into account the pros and cons, making comparisons and conclusions to find the “middle ground.”

For starters - a few facts from practice. Sporting events happen unevenly. If you explore any one sport, that is, “season” and “no the season.” It means that at least 2-3 months a year for a particular type, there are no competitions at all. Well, in the season, the games are heterogeneous. Tournaments are available where matches take place daily. But after, at the end of such a forum, a lull inevitably sets in. If we are talking about the regular season, then the games here are also not distributed evenly throughout the sports week.

On the contrary, the leading tour takes place either on weekends or fits 1-2 in the middle of the week. Because the day is not like the day, in terms of saturation with sports moments, it is not worth talking about some uniform density of bets. There are concepts such as seasonality and cyclicality. So in the understanding of reasonable bettors, the question is considered of the optimum allowable number of bets per game day when tournaments are played, which the player is following.

Here it is necessary to distinguish between the behavior of amateurs who are addicted to the system, are dependent. This dependence is even given a definition, such as “ludomania.” A new day is approaching, and the player is looking for what to bet on. And it does not matter, for example, that there are no events in your favorite football leagues today. Such a dependent person feels awkward if he doesn’t. It is very similar to the 'breaking' of a drug addict. Not finding the usual events, the ludomania comes into all sorts of unfamiliar championships or completely different sports. They are betting on youth football championships of countries from the football periphery and finding no satisfaction there, the ludomania bets on hockey, basketball, tennis, e-sports, chess, virtual sports. In general, an unlucky bettor goes all the way. And this even though he is incompetent in the matter. As a result, there are a lot of bets, but there is a loss after the loss.

If you find yourself here, you need to take urgent measures. This dependence on bets is a sure sign of a mental disorder. A priori, the question is considered that an adequate player puts on those sports in which he understands. It may be that the player covers 2-3 games so that they occupy the entire calendar year more or less uniformly. It is the norm, if a person understands it, watches matches and news. It means that there is a basis for a successful activity. When betting is made at random, just to bet on something is a disease. You need to be able to limit yourself.

It refers to the optimal number of bets per day when you consciously choose events and outcomes on them. So you can judge your patency at a distance of several weeks, a month, a season. It is the only way to track dynamics, to ascertain progress or regression as forecasts. If bets are made at random, this inevitably leads to a fail.


Of great importance is the quality of forecasts. It is one of the critical factors limiting the number of bets that a bettor can make even on the best competition day. You cannot review the whole match, even in the review mode, you cannot track all the news even under ideal conditions. The fact is that statistics are reflected in sufficient detail by bookmakers in the coefficients. To find an advantage and create opportunities for remote profit is real only if you know the more significant factors that relate to a short distance. Only quick, weighty trends that conflict with long-term trends are the basis for profit. Such moments can only be identified with extensive experience and knowledge in this area.

Experience shows that a successful bettor can own the situation in no more than 3-5 championships. If you try to bet on ten or more tournaments, then there will already be a dispersal of attention, regular ignoring of many essential facts. So, no matter how you would like to increase the bank quickly, the player runs into a restriction, after which the quality of bets suffers. It means that the number of bets loses its meaning. For example, having an ROI of + 5% for a full turn of the bank, a player will receive more in absolute terms if he does not complete 1-2 circles, but ten loops. But if the quality is lost, then there will be no positive ROI, but there will be a minus, a loss of money. Then what's the point of increasing the number of bets? He is not there.
The main points that affect the number of bets we reviewed. Time to move on to the technical side of the issue.

One bet per day calculatorBet

One Bet Per Day Calculator

Hundreds of bets per day

Imagine a situation in which a bettor watched games in dozens of championships all week. After that, approximately 100 bets were selected on Saturday and Sunday. We pass out the same quality of forecasts that were discussed earlier. What can be done technically with these two hundred bets? The choice is small. We'll have to split the bank into tiny parts and put on all the selected number of outcomes. The size of the bets will be 1-3%, given the time gap between the games.
If a player has a big bank, and he wanted to play with a small percentage, then this is still normal. Purely technically, you can implement all this vast array of bets at the same time. However, there will immediately appear one annoying oversight. This amount of bets involves the entire bank. There is no free money left until the bets are settled. Some beginners consider this the norm, but this is not true. Players which experience is full use such chips as live bets and insurance of ready bets. Some new conclusions, information always appear already like the game's progress, so making changes to forecasts, being safe, putting extra on positive outcomes, fixing a bank with a successful bet is all in order. All of this needs money. If the whole bank is played, then they are not.
Experienced bettors advise using at the same time no more than 20-30% of the bank. Firstly, 70-80% of available funds will always be in stock to be able to maneuver in live. Secondly, this is how protection against cyclical results is built. It’s impossible to go the distance correctly. At some points, the profit will be higher than expected, while at others, it will inevitably standstill or drawdown. If the entire bank will be involved at a time, then the risk is significant to lose money, having got at such a moment. When the forecasts are correct, then 3-5 game segments cannot continue to fall. By making a deposit turn not at a time, but in several passes, there is a higher chance of completing a circle in plus.
Therefore, hundreds of bets at the same time or even in one day, this is technically possible only with a large bank and a stable financial strategy, which implies operations independent of each other. But even so, anyway, the bet rests on a lack of working capital for life and insurance. Well, from big you can always make small. In this case, you need to drop out, from the pre-selected 100 bets, leave 20-30 the most reliable, with the most accurate and consistent forecasts. The rest is not taken into account.

But not always a large bank is used according to a uniform strategy. Many bettors practice different types of “catch-up.” The essence of these strategies is that the next bet can only be made after calculating the previous one. If the previous one did not work, then increase the amount for the next step, if you win, they return to the original, minimum size. This feature is the reason that at the same time in the game, there can be only one bet. Attempts to serve several branches of the catch at the same time very quickly lead to the depletion of the bank. Therefore, it will turn out to make no more than 5-7 bets per day. If you use to live, then the limit will come in 20-25 attempts. In general, hundreds of bets will not work here.
Absolutely the same thing will happen to those who play varieties of 'ladder.' Each next bet is made only after winning the previous one. If it does not work, then they begin a new attempt to 'climb the ladder.' Even if several ladders are made in parallel, then we can talk about 15-20 bets a day, but no more. Replacing the 'ladders' with expresses, immediately gaining all the steps in one integrated rate - this is very bad. The reason is that going from level to step. The player still has the opportunity to make all the same secure live bets. At some stage, this allows you to save the attempt and try again if new circumstances arise over the passage.
Another point, many bettors do not have a big pot. It means that for a modest starting amount, there is no need to use the same uniform strategy with a deposit of the deposit in small parts of 1-3%. It makes sense to play with a small bank evenly, but with a large percentage (not less than 10%), or try to win back with “ladders,” also having assigned yourself 5-10 attempts (5-10 parts of the bank). So at the same time, it will be necessary to make no more than the equal 5-10 bets. For a standard gaming day, they physically will not be more than 20-30. It is logical to come to the same conclusions: even if hundreds of potential bets for the weekend have been studied, you still need to make high-quality selection and process no more than a quarter of all this amount. The desire to save time leads the player to the idea of ​​narrowing the coverage of events, to consider only a few championships, leagues.

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Not a single bet

One Bet Per Day

Do not forget about such an opportunity as not to make bets on the day. It is an excellent decision, which novice players are not aware of. The selection of bets, the collection, the decision to make a bet - it is a product of decisions and the choice of a player, which made consciously. You need to create your grading scale. Each condition, the outcome on which you can put, you need to assign a certain level of probability. “Stars” or other markers are right here. One star is the minimum probability. Two stars - medium. Three is the maximum. It is necessary to put on the most probable events, three stars, and everything else is taken into account.
You can also use a variable strategy or use outcomes with different probabilities for different banks and strategy. For example, on “three stars,” the outcomes should be set at 5%, on “two stars” - 2-3%, on “one” - 0.5-1%.
You can take for the central bank only the most probable outcomes, and from the rest that are not included in the final sample, collect large expresses, setting the minimum amount of money. This approach kills many problems at once. So the excitement and those same manifestations of 'ludomania,' if any, are leveled. The feeling disappears that hundreds of matches that have been studied in vain. Losses of money from such express trains are small, even if this has been done for decades. But sooner or later, some run will win and beat off all costs for many years to come. It is worth considering that this is a lottery game.
With this scatter of earnest money, the central bank is placed on the most preferred outcomes. Everything else formally does not disappear in vain and does not significantly affect the central bank. If you have everything in order with excitement and psyche, then you can discard all the eliminated outcomes without much regret and waste of nerves.

The optimal number of bets

We proceed to the conclusion. The number of bets that can be made per day is determined not by following any plan, but only according to the criteria for the probability of events. If there is not a single standard rate per day, then this does not mean that you need to lower the threshold, but just do not put an excuse. Other limits on the number of bets are the size of the bank and the applied financial strategies. The average amount of bets is considered to be from a few (3-5) to a couple of dozen bets per day (10-20). Larger quantities cannot be used effectively. Changing the strategy, giving up insurance for the sake of mastering a large number of potential outcomes is impossible.

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One Bet Per Day Challenge


One Bet Per Day System
